Monday, 7 February 2011

Travelling with Infant

hmmm... just two months back , i was spending alot of my time on searching information as we were  about to travel to Melbourne from Hyderabad with our 5 month old son, Vibhav..our Vibhu :)

some of the major concerns we had are :
What to take along?
Where to sit in the flight?
what all things we should check with the airlines before starting?
will he be ok during the take off and landing
finally, will he adjust easily to the new place,weather, time zone

thank god, it all went very smooth for us ... and prompted me to write this for the sake of all young kids travelling and for their parents..

what to take along : depends if your kid is breast fed or bottled milk, for bottle fed babies, you need to take sterilised bottles, warm water (preferably in a flask) , the formula powder, and any accessories you are using for feeding.

where to sit in the flight: try to get a seat near the basinet , even if you can't use the basinet you can sit comfortably with your baby and can keep things handy..

what all things we should check with the airlines before starting? : Call them in advance and block a bassinet seat, enquire about the availability of warm water in the waiting area

will he be ok during the take off and landing  : beasue of the increase in the air pressure, babies may cry , but don't worry if its a cry for a short time.. do not cover the ears with any ear cuffs or cloth else that may lead to more discomfort for the baby..

adjusting to the new place,time zone depends on how well you plan and stick to the plan.. try to let them know the day and night times by exposing to sunlight during the day time in new place .. and this would make them adjust very easily.. our son took almost 5-8 days to adjust we could not plan well...

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