Monday, 5 January 2009

Innovative Advertising in Hyderabad

Almost one year after started ( did I start or I just wrote one piece??) Iam writing another interseting idea... I hope and wish that this second concept Iam writing doesn't face the fate of Nano..
What is an idea??... which can make things work in a better way giving benefits to more number of people...

Why do companies advertise?.. to reach their target customers effectively and get more business..
Here is an idea which can revolutionise the advertising of businesses/products/services..

This is an advertsing agency in Hyderabad,India. They offer innovative,cost effective and almost inhouse ( of target customers) is a start up by two enthusiatic engineers with 5 years of experience in software,sales.
They have huge number of people who own cars and ready to advertise on their cars.. once the business owners decie to go ahead with PaisavasoolAds they select the vehicle owners who can be a potential customer of the business and place the ad on their cars.
This way the cost of advertising for the business is reduced by more than half and they are helping their potential customers to spend more...
what an idea.. isn't it???

I feel this is the best medium of advertising compared to all the existing medium like TV,Print,Hoarding and all..

Paisavasoolads is the efficient,economical and innovative way of adverting.
any businesses looking for Advertising in hyderabad can visit : and get the best returns for the buck they spend